Arizona Stadium Policies and Procedures

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A historic stadium that sits in the heart of the city, Arizona Stadium stands as a testament to the history and continuing tradition of Arizona football. Built in 1928 with only 7,000 seats located on the west side between the end zones, the stadium has grown into a 56,000+ seat facility that combines old-style charm with modern conveniences. It’s quite simply a great place to play and watch a game. From the end zone bleachers to the upper-deck stands, every seat features an uncluttered view of the playing surface, and more than half the seats provide sweeping vistas of the nearby Santa Catalina Mountains, as well as the campus and city skyline.


No refunds or exchanges on tickets will be permitted.

  • All persons entering the stadium are subject to The Arizona Bowl rules and regulations, and the Laws of the State of Arizona. The Arizona Bowl may revoke the ticket license and eject or refuse entry to persons for violation of arena or stadium rules, disruptive behavior, illegal activity, consumption of alcohol, or other misconduct.
  • All seats are reserved and each individual, including children three years and older, should sit in the seat for which he/she holds the ticket. Children two years of age and under do not require a ticket.  To aid in the effort, we employ stadium crew members who can give assistance in seat location and other services patrons might require. Personal chair backs can be used in Arizona Stadium at the discretion of stadium staff. All portable stadium seats are limited to 18″ width, 9″ depth, cannot have attached armrests or cupholders, and cannot recline to encroach upon the access or legroom of adjacent patrons. If the event staff determine a chair back does not meet these guidelines, the owner will be asked to have the seats removed and stored for the duration of the game.
  • No one is allowed on the field at any time without proper credentials.
  • NO CONTAINERS ADMITTED (with the exception of sealed plastic water bottles). ALL PERSONAL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH. The The Arizona Bowl policy prohibits bringing beverage and food containers into Arizona Stadium. If patrons do bring food or beverage containers including ice chests, bottles, cans, canteens, or bags containing food, they will be asked to dispose of them at the gate or return them to their car. Patrons carrying clear bags or handbags will be asked by security to open them for inspection.
  • It is unlawful for a person to consume spirituous liquor from a broken package in a public place, thoroughfare, or gathering (ARS Section 4-244).
  • The The Arizona Bowl prohibits the use of products that contain tobacco or nicotine, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bidis, kreteks, hookahs, water pipes, and all forms of smokeless tobacco. Littering campus with remains of tobacco or smoking-related products also is prohibited.
  • Smoking e-cigarettes is prohibited inside Arizona Stadium. Designated e-cigarette smoking areas are signed primarily on the outer concourse ramps. Per state law, they must be away from stadium gates or building entries. Electronic cigarettes must only be used on the outer concourses, not within stadium seating areas.
  • Should patrons experience any discomfort because of the actions of others and wish to seek relief, please report the incident to the closest crew member. The crew member will then get assistance to alleviate the problem.
  • For fans seeking a non-confrontational response to an issue with other fans or an arena concern, please TEXT your concern or issue with exact Section, Row, and Seat information to 69050. Appropriate arena personnel will address your concerns.
  • Videotaping or photography by ticket holders in ICA venues is restricted. No backlights, flashes, or mono/tripods.
  • NCAA and Pac-12 rules prohibit the use of artificial noisemakers or sound devices. The use of laser pointers and/or disconcerting flash photography is also strictly prohibited.
  • Ticket holder consents to the audiotaping, photographing, filming, videotaping, or other multi-media formatted or sketched representation, of his/her name, likeness, voice, image, or appearance while attending or participating in the Event, and forever waives any rights of publicity, privacy, copyright, ownership, or any residual or another type of payment or royalty in such tapes, videos, photographs, and recordings as they may be distributed in any media forever throughout the universe.
  • NO RE-ENTRY POLICY is in effect. If you leave the facility, you must purchase a new ticket in order to return to the game. The ticket office closes at the end of halftime.

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The Arizona Bowl is instituting a new clear bag policy for all of its venues. The policy limits the size and type of bags that may be brought into our venues. The following is a list of bags that will be accepted for entry:

  • Bags that are clear plastic or vinyl and do not exceed 12″ x 6″ x 12″
  • One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags (Ziploc bag or similar)
  • Small clutch bags, approximately the size of a hand, after being searched
  • Exceptions will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection, including but not limited to oxygen tanks, diabetes kits, allergy pens, etc.

Prohibited bags include but are not limited to:

  • Purses larger than a clutch
  • Briefcases
  • Backpacks
  • Fanny packs
  • Diaper bags
  • Cinch bags
  • Luggage of any kind
  • Long golf umbrellas
  • Cooler bags
  • Computer bags
  • Camera bags
  • Non-approved seat cushions including large traditional seat cushions that have pockets, zippers, compartments, or covers
  • Any bag larger than the permissible size, unless credentialed personnel carrying such belonging have been thoroughly searched

This is not a restriction on items that have been allowed into our venues; it is only a restriction on the type of container used to carry items. Souvenir cups, unopened water, Kleenex, and personal items will all be permitted into the arena if carried in one bag that meets the criteria listed above.

Personal items may be enclosed in a small clutch bag, approximately the size of a hand. These small bags will be searched.

The no food and beverage policy will remain in effect, however, medically necessary items will be permitted after proper inspection.

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